In order to understand white anti-whites, one must recognize that much of their altruistic behavior is actually a form of egoistic competition. Expressing benevolence for non-whites has become a key to success in white societies.

There are no organizations for whites, mainly because whites themselves oppose their establishment. The few small pro-white organizations that do exist are usually labeled “hate groups.” By 2050, whites will be a minority in both the U.S. (and all other countries settled by whites) and their indigenous homeland of Europe.

This is significant because whites will be the only ethnicity on Earth without a country of their own. Black people will still have 50+ countries, including the entire continent of Africa. Asians will still control the entire continent of Asia. Jews will have Israel.

In our experience, when you confront people for being #antiwhite , almost all of them will deny it despite the fact that they support policies that will lead to us becoming minorities in our own countries (and that they can think of any number of reasons why that would be a good thing). It is not unusual to hear them utter the words “I’m not anti-White, but….”, or “I can’t be anti-White, I’m White myself!”, which is perhaps the most common form of objection when White anti-Whites are being confronted for being anti-White... anyone can be anti-White, as it is a state of mind. 

They seem to think that they are clever when they point this out to us (as if they have found some sort of contradiction or some magic shield that will protect them from any bad labels no matter how hateful or insane the politics they want to promote are). “How can they possibly be anti-White when they themselves are White?“ The answer is simple. It is called treachery.

Anyone who asks “Why should I care about my race‘s survival?” is proving they are a sociopath with no loyalties. You can’t explain loyalty.

A pro-White is told there is no such thing as the White race, and then he is told that the White race owes the rest of the world reparations.