Are you sick of being told to feel "white guilt" for things you had nothing to do with or even your ancestors had nothing to do with?

Are you sick of having all the results of your hard work and your parents' and grandparents' hard work be slandered as mere "privilege"? Are you sick of being told that while other races are legitimate people groups with legitimate concerns, legitimate identity, and legitimate human rights, "whiteness" is just a social construct that should be conquered and destroyed for the betterment of humanity?

Are you sick of being told that "Black pride" or "Brown pride" is an indication of a healthy appreciation for one's identity, connection to one's culture and heritage, and concern for one's people, but "White pride" is evil, racist, and oppressive?

Are you sick of people claiming to be “anti-racist” when they’re really just anti-White? - American Pro-White Network