07 Nov

Like Congoids or Negroids aka Blacks are not native to South Africa, they are not native to anywhere, other than North Africa, including the Caribbean which Includes Haiti! Those who are, no one ever hears about and demands "equality" for them with the Black's that now dominate their lands.
To White liberal types, regardless of obvious physical and cultural, as well as less obvious genetic differences, all they see is they are not White. It doesn't serve the anti-White agenda to put things in historical or a current affairs perspective.
A bit like how many White people are actually descendant of White slaves who were captured through non-white invasions of Europe, as well as sold into slavery by the inbred ruling classes, but the mainstream doesn't demand reparations from rich non-white nations for disadvantaged generations of poor Whites, nor do they demand open boarders for rich Arab and Asian nations.
Liberals hold Black's and other non-whites to no standard, while they hold White people everywhere to impossible genocidal standards.
White Liberal types blame all White people regardless of individual lineage for totally un-unique historic crimes committed by a few dead White people.
All non-Whites are encouraged to feel collective pride in anything anyone that looks like them has achieved and are usually never expected to feel any guilt or responsible, certainly not seriously, for how their genetic collective has historically or is negatively impacting another genetic collective, especially if that genetic collective is White. Then it is always justified by anti-Whites.
As long as White man isn't the one who's established themselves in others territories, there's nothing to see and it's not a concern, according to anti-Whites.
Negroids ethnically cleansed Haiti and are ethnically cleansing Africa of our own kind. You'd be a fool to think this could not happen anywhere Blacks are predicted to outnumber White people!
Only White people have to justify our claims and rights to keep our homelands and to act in our genetic collectives interests!
"Equality" is really about destroying the White race.

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