02 Dec

That some White people, too many,  just jumped on the anti-Kyle bandwagon, wishing to see a White kid rott in jail just because they thought those he shot were Black, are not only useful *d*ots, but witch hunters! The mob! Talk about cuckservatives and Black privilege !

Never go full mob!

'The right of self-defense is the right for people to use reasonable or defensive force, for the purpose of defending one's own life or the lives of others, including –in certain circumstances– the use of deadly force.'
The two men shot dead in self defense by teenage Kyle, Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26. Grown men who along with other grown men, attacked a lone teenager!
Running and jump kicking at someone's head, using a skateboard to bash them over the head, trying to grab away someone's gun likely to use it on them and pointing a gun ready to fire, are all clear actions intended to potential kill a person. Kyle was on the ground. What's the confusion!?

All it can take is one hit to the head. Kyle was right to fear for his life.

That Kyle happened to cleanse the world of a pedophile (English spelling) and a derranged thug when he was forced to defend his own life, just good luck for everyone in the long run 👏
Shame on all those that defended filth while wishing a child rott in jail for defending his own life!!!

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