It is almost impossible today for us to understand the world Churchill's sick little mind lived in.

In 1814 Britain defeated Napoleon and reestablished its traditional policy of a Balance of Power in Europe. When Hitler came along, he threatened the Balance. When Hitler conquered France in 1940, Churchill's only concern was restoring the Balance of Power.

This is not a joke. This was Churchill's policy.

In 1939, when both Hitler and Stalin, by agreement, invaded Poland, Britain only declared war against Hitler. To Churchill, only Germany was threatening the Balance of Power in Europe.

I hope I haven't lost you here. I am NOT overstating this. That was REALLY Churchill's World View.

This is NOT a joke.

So France joined Britain in declaring war ONLY against Germany. Germany proceeded, as usual, to beat the hell out of France.

Germany then said, "OK. We conquered France again. Now would you please get out of the way and let us conquer the Soviet Union as Hitler said he wanted to do in Mein Kampf?"

Churchill refused to make any peace with Germany. Churchill was still living in the days of Napoleon, when Britain stood alone against the Enemy of the Balance of Power in Europe and refused to make peace with the Corsican tyrant.

No, I am NOT joking here.

So, in 1940, Churchill sat there and kept the war going.

One day a German airplane dropped a couple of bombs which landed, specifically against orders, in a civilian area. Germany officially apologized.

This was the break Churchill was looking for. He launched a retaliatory raid against civilian targets in Berlin. That is how the London Blitz began. Germany did not like Britain attacking its civilians, so it hit back, HARD.

Edward R. Murrow, the god of American broadcasting, began his series of broadcasts by describing how mean the Germans were.

Recently the History Channel had a program entitled, "Roosevelt: He Brought Light to America By Keeping It in the Dark." The program refers to the joint efforts of Roosevelt and other American liberals like Edward R. Murrow to get America in the war.

Germany never understood why France and Britain only declared war against them and not against Stalin, who also invaded Poland. The Germans understood even less that Churchill was chomping at the bit to join Stalin and Roosevelt in a joint destruction of Germany.

Germany never understood that Churchill had no idea that Europe's time of total world domination had passed. Hitler saw the Soviet power and the American power, and he wanted to join with the British Empire as a European balance to those powers. He praised the British Empire in Mein Kampf. He never understood that Churchill was rooted in 1814.

He simply never understood how dumb Churchill was.   

When it comes to mass killing, Mao Tse Tung has no historical rival. Yet his book is legal everywhere and he is a hero to most of the world.
Mao’s slaughters and starvation make Hitler look like a piker. But The Sayings of Mao are not criticized the way Mein Kampf.
The only leaders who won ANYTHING in World War II was Stalin.
Wordists claim their form of Wordism will UNITE Mankind. But when mankind is divided into Wordist camps, he is at his most vicious.
- Fight White Genocide - stings

In the end Winston Churchill was one of the worst enemies the white race and the British Empire ever had. To his death he kept saying that the British Empire was good and his whole life had been devoted to it.

He never forgave those like Lord Mountbatten who gave India away by 1948, three years after his V for Victory war against Germany had been won.

Joe Sobran keeps pointing out, with a courage I find hard to believe, World War II was fought entirely for the benefit of Joseph Stalin and, in the end, for Mao Tse-Tung.

Nobody else won anything.

Britain lost everything.

As Sobran says, Churchill was criticized for throwing himself completely behind the USSR when Germany invaded them in 1941 and Churchill replied, “I would ally with Satan Himself if he were opposed to Adolf Hitler.” So that is exactly what he did.

His policy was that he would be willing to destroy Britain if he could destroy Germany doing it.

He succeeded.

In fact, I remember that in the 1970s British workers were pouring into Germany — the country Churchill had destroyed — to work for double the wages they could get back in Britain.

By the 1970s, Britain had lost her empire, she had lost her standard of living, and she had just begun to lose the British Islands themselves to a flood of third world immigration.

In 1948 Winnie could not understand what happened to his precious British Empire after his Great Victory.

And the real collapse had not even started yet.

Roger Moore, the actor, is an upper-class Englishman and an intimate of royalty there. He said, “We Britons love to talk about World War II. It’s the last time we WERE anybody.” World War II is the REASON that is the last time they WERE anybody. I have a sneaking suspicion that Roger Moore, whose good looks hid a first-rate mind, KNOWS that.


I hear people say, “I was FOR civil rights at first. Then it got out of hand.” No joke?

They were FOR “civil rights” when I was desperately telling people that civil rights would lead to exactly what it has led to.

I don’t like Churchill.

To say the least. - Whitaker Online .org/blog/2018/09/19/churchills-bargain-2/  

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