Our seventh noble virtue is the Will to Beauty. True beauty is always in the minority and transcends mere physical traits, although outward beauty is often the reflection of the soul within. One only has to journey to a local shopping mall or any other place where people assemble in great numbers, to notice that most people are not attractive, they are the odious and hideous dregs of liberal democracy. What is modern democracy but the cult of ugliness, of dysgenics run riot? Our race is becoming more and more obese and less healthy and heroic with each passing generation.
Liberals are fond of saying that everybody is beautiful in their own way and nobody is truly ugly. But if everybody is beautiful then nobody is ugly and if nobody is ugly then we have no standard whereby to measure beauty. After all, what is ugliness but deviation from the norm of commonality in the negative spectrum. Just as beauty is deviation from the norm along a positive spectrum: http://westernvanguard.blogspot.com.au/2014/09/the-will-to-beauty-our-seventh-noble.html?m=1

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