Who is going to pay the White People whose ancestors were slaves!? This presentation is much shorter than it could be, but space does not allow more.
The documentary record compels us to face the fact that a holocaust was perpetrated against generations of poor White People whose sufferings are far more than is presented here. The horrors they experienced equal anything the more famous sufferers have undergone. Yet, of all the dusty shelves in the dark corners of "SUPPRESSED" history, none has been more completely obscured than the story of the WHITE SLAVES OF COLONIAL AMERICA!

A famous history professor stated that history was not a science but a continuing investigation into the past; a person's conclusion is based on their own bias. This story will offer evidence that the Alba, Scots, Irish and Pics have been the longest race held in slavery. The reader will be responsible for their own bias pertaining to White Slavery.

This is a history of White People that has seldom, if ever, been told in any coherent form, largely because most modern historians have, for reasons of politics or psychology, refused to recognise White Slaves.

Most Historians of Today Are Total Cowards, and Are Not Willing to Present Anything That Might Upset the Estab. And if they do display the courage necessary to present the truth, they will be ridiculed and driven from the faculties of the so‑called halls of learning.

Others have their own agenda, which has nothing to do with truth; an agenda to present a false historical perspective so as to destroy the faith of Whites and so destroy their pride in the process. "They were of two sorts, first such as were brought over by masters of ships to be sold as servants. Such as we call them my dear,' says she, 'but they are more properly called slaves.'" Today, not a tear is shed for the sufferings of millions of our own enslaved forefathers.

White Slaver has been almost completely obliterated from the collective memory. "Who wants to be reminded that half ‑‑ perhaps as many as two‑thirds ‑‑ of the original colonists came (to countries we now refer to as countries settled by White people), not of their own free will, but kidnaped, shanghaied, impressed, duped, beguiled, and yes, in chains?...we tend to gloss over it...we'd prefer to forget the whole sorry chapter..." "A correct understanding of the authentic history of the enslavement of Whites could have profound consequences for the future of the races:" "The debate has considerable significance for the interpretation of race relations."

Much more, here: https://israelect.com/reference/WillieMartin/Slaves%20[A].htm

Our ancestors suffered more than any plantation labourer. Let no-one lecture us with the pious guilt of the ‘chattering classes.’ Don’t preach to us, Liberal, when it was your kind that emancipated the African slave while leaving our own children to work 16-hour days in the factories.

The early ancestors of the Scots, Alba and Pics were enslaved as early as the first century BC. Varro, a Roman philosopher stated in his agricultural manuscripts that white slaves were only things with a voice or instrumenti vocali. Julius Caesar enslaves as many as one million whites from Gaul. Pope Gregory in the sixth century first witnessed blonde hair, blue eyed boys awaiting sale in a Roman slave market. The Romans enslaved thousands of white inhabitants of Great Britain, who were also known as Angles. Pope Gregory was very interested in the looks of these boys therefore asking their origin. He was told they were Angles from Briton. Gregory stated, "Non Angli, sed Angeli." (Not Angles but Angels). The eighth to the eleventh centuries proved to be very profitable for Rouen France. Rouen was the transfer point of Irish and Flemish slaves to the Arabian nations. The early centuries AD the Scottish were known as Irish. - Israelect Reference Willie Martin SLAVE

Whilst the Arabs have been acknowledged as a prime force in the early usage of slaves from Africa, very little has been written about their usage of White slaves, whether they were part of the Russian slave trade or those kidnapped by Arab pirates. However, in recent years, the research of some authors has been bringing this issue to light.

Arab rulers had white eunuchs (slaves with their testicles cut off). In Islam's Black Slaves, Ronald Segal reveals that the Caliph in Baghdad at the beginning of the tenth century had seven thousand black eunuchs and four thousand white ones in his palace. Ibn Hawqal, writing in the 970s, remarked that "among the most famous exports [from al-Andalus to other Muslim lands] are comely slaves, both male and female from Frankish and Galician regions" and that "all Slavic eunuchs on earth come from al-Andalus, because they are castrated in that region". These are just a few examples of information available on the Arab trade in White slaves; however, this information rarely comes to light in biased Multiculturalist education systems, as they prefer to concentrate on the issue of Black slavery to the exclusion of all other types of slavery. In pushing a guilt complex upon white children, as part of their ideological fight to promote Multiculturalism and attack "White racism", activist teachers would be aware that telling the truth about widespread White slavery would not be helpful in their promotion of Multiculturalist propaganda. - Iron Bark Resources 

We hear all about White conquerors, but why don’t we ever hear about the invasion and domination of much of Western Europe by the North African Islamic Moors for 500 years? When they subjugated Spain and Portugal, the Moors actually demanded 100 White virgins every year for use in their harems. And what about the invasion and domination of Eastern Europe by the Jewish Khazars, the Asiatic Mongols, Huns, and Magyars, or the Muslim Turks of the Ottoman Empire? They all raped and pillaged the White Slavs (whence we get the word “slave”). For many centuries the Ottoman Turks took 1,000 White babies every year to be raised and enslaved as the Empire’s elite guard, known as the Janissaries.
It’s no wonder this history is left out of the mainstream narrative. - Renegade Tribune - Destroying the anti-white arguments

28 percent of free blacks in America owned slaves. In some cities during some decades in the 19th century, more than 75 percent of the free black population was comprised of slave holders.
One glaringly inconvenient truth that, odds are, few folks of any race are aware is that the very first legal slave owner in America was one Anthony Johnson — a black man. MORE here: http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/263533/slavery-racially-incorrect-facts-jack-kerwick

Blacks, Amerindians, and Jews all owned slaves in America, but we hear nothing of this. Jewish slave trader Aaron Lopez, who built the oldest synagogue in America, is but one of a long list of jews who profited greatly from slavery, but Hollywood jews will never make movies that detail their tribe’s massive involvement in the slave trade, instead blaming Whites for everything. These jewish movies will neglect to mention that it was Black Africans who first enslaved their kin and sold them to the traders. Also, did you know than an estimated 3,000 Blacks owned a total of 20,000 Black slaves in 1860? It is also estimated that 28% of free Blacks owned slaves, which is a much higher proportion than that of free whites who owned slaves, which was a mere 1.4% of White Americans at the height of slavery.
It is estimated that between 10 to 15 million (Blacks) were enslaved and shipped to the New World, but only around 6% (400,000) were sent to the Northern Hemisphere. The vast majority of slaves went to South America, but we certainly don’t see countries like Brazil receiving the brunt of the slavery guilt trip. This is because the true history of slavery does not fit into the #antiWhite , anti-Western paradigm that has been set up.
Our textbooks, movies, and current culture have completely covered up the very real history of White enslavement in America and around the world. Many White Americans are actually descendants of White slaves. http://www.renegadetribune.com/destroying-the-anti-white-arguments/

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