It is estimated that 28% of free Blacks in America owned slaves, a much higher proportion than that of free whites, which was a mere 1.4% of White Americans at the height of slavery.

All races have engaged in conquest and enslavement of other races! Not even Aboriginals of what is now called Australia are the original inhabitants.

The first inhabitants of what is now called New Zealand are described as having skin complexion that was white, with blue, green to darker tinted eye colour. The Polynesian-Melanesian cannibals enslaved many and hunted the rest to extinction as a food source.

There is evidence of White people once existing in parts of the globe now considered territory of non-whites, from North America, to China, the Middle East to Africa. There is a great deal of evidence that has been unearthed that indicates that White people were in North America before the Amerindians.

Some White tribes have survived, in dwindling numbers, such as the Berbers and the Yazidis, while in other parts like China, only remnants remain. 

Arabs have been enslaving and trying to kill off remaining Whites in the Middle East. We never hear about the invasion of Western Europe by the North African Islamic Moors for 500 years, nor the invasion of Eastern Europe by the Jewish Khazars, the Asiatic Mongols, Huns, and Magyars, or the Muslim Turks. They raped and pillaged the White Slavs (whence we get the word “slave”). For many centuries the Turks took 1,000 White babies every year.

We hear nothing of any of this because it doesn't serve the anti-White agenda.

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