The reason historically Catholic countries had huge, blindly obedient populations who went straight from being slaves of the Church to being slaves of the Party was simply because of a concept that only BUGSERS know:
Every colony of a Catholic country had an official policy of assimilation, assimilacion, assimilacao. Until Vatican II the official Church policy was to denounce any religious tolerance — except for Jews — in any country on earth.
All that mattered and matters to the Church is whether one is a Catholic or not. Race, nation, all other loyalties officially were denounced by Rome. Jesus said that to follow him you had to “hate your family.” You were Catholic or you were not. The only treason recognized by the Curia was treason against The Word.
Hence assimilation was official policy in every Catholic country.
Intellectuals assumed that this heavy Communist vote was because of the huge poor population in Catholic countries. They took it for granted that all Catholic countries were poor, exploited, and backward.
On the contrary. France and Northern Italy were historically Catholic and as wealthy as any other developed European country.
Anti-Catholicism simply didn’t explain it. But in this case the bigotry coincided with the prejudices of the academics and the media, so it was not discussed.
The real reason historically Catholic countries had exclusively high Communist votes was Wordism.
Traditional Catholics saw Communism as a different kind of DOCTRINE. When they switched sides, it was natural for them to concentrate on replacing their loyalty to a doctrine with loyalty to another DOCTRINE.
The Party replaced the Pope.
Catholics were and ARE taught that their country or their race means nothing compared to the Only True Institution. That is the loyalty every Catholic is raised with.
In Protestant countries religion is just one aspect of life. There has certainly been plenty of persecution in Protestant countries, but in England, Catholics were condemned more as traitors to King and Country than for purely religious reasons.
Communism, Catholicism and Wordism Posted by Bob - Bob Whitaker Online
There are two types of countries – countries that are for their people, and countries that are for ideas.
The latter could be described as “wordism” – loyalty to an idea; for example, religion, monarchy, Communism, Fascism, are all forms of “wordism”. A “wordism” can never allow REAL Freedom of Speech because words made it, and words can destroy it. So the “wordism” declares that “You have free speech, but not HATE speech”. Sound familiar? “Diversity” (Multiracial-ism), is also a “wordism”. The idea behind “Diversity” is that there can be no ethnic states (for White people, and this applies only to White people). US General Wesley Clark said “there can be no ethnically pure states in Europe”, there are lots of “non-diverse” areas in non-White (countries and) areas . . . but Europe is White. (Europeans aka White people, and our homelands,) Europe (and countries settled by Europeans, are) expected to be “progressive” in the mind of an anti-White, and non-Whites are expected to be “primitive”. This means that “Diversity”, the one true religion will mercilessly target any White area that goes against “Diversity” (Multiracial-ism). Multiracial-ism has no loyalty to WHO lives in a certain country, but multiracial-ism demands loyalty of them.
So to say again, there can never be a “wordism” that allows freedom. "Diversity" it just a codeword for White genocide. - White Genocide Project
Anti-Whites can be anyone of any race, including White. You're either #proWhite or you're anti-White! Which one are you?
(We're pro-Australian-Aborigines. We want self-determination for the Australian Aborigines. We have no problem with whole countries being for Black people.) We’re pro-black. We have no problem with 50+ black countries (including Zimbabwe which is a country that has declared it is not for White people 👌 , and the current Liberian constitution states that you can only be a citizen of the country if you are “a Negro or of Negro descent“). We’re pro-Japanese. We have no problem with Japan. We’re also pro-Vietnamese, pro-mestizo, pro-muslim, etc. We don’t demand that the entire world be (free of non-whites,) turned white, but anti-whites demand that the entire world be turned non-white.
Nationalists (people loyal to their own kind) say each group should (be able to organise in their interests) have its own space (, institutions and government. To have self-determination, a basic human right for all races). Nationalists can accept other nationalists. Wordists (those who are loyal to a set of words) cannot accept nationalists nor can they accept any other wordist who is loyal to a different set of words.
Communism killed 100 million people in the name of peace and brotherly love.... religious wordists ended up killing a third of the population of the German states of Europe. The moment a significant number of non-whites had been brought into Europe after WW2, censorship laws were imposed there. That’s why we say multiracialism and freespeech are incompatible.
Nationalists occasionally go to war but wordists are ALWAYS at war, whether it is violent war or psychological warfare, against anyone who doesn’t believe their particular Universal Truth out of the thousands or millions of Universal Truths which have been concocted over time.
We’re pro-white. We’re against genocide.
We’re against all things anti-white. We are loyal to our own kind. We do not worship words. We’re human rights activists calling attention to the crime of genocide. (We want self-determination for our race! The White race.)- Fight White Genocide

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