The idea that Islam is a “peaceful religion hijacked by extremists” is a dangerous fantasy... real reform in the Muslim world cannot be imposed from the outside... the Muslim world is utterly deranged by its religious tribalism. In confronting the religious literalism and ignorance of the Muslim world, we must appreciate how terrifyingly isolated Muslims have become in intellectual terms. The problem is especially acute in the Arab world. Consider: Arabs represent 5% of the world’s population and yet produce only 1% of the world’s books, most of them religious. In fact, Spain translates more books into Spanish each year than the entire Arab world has translated into Arabic since the ninth century. - Sam Harris

If I was to state all Muslims are the vilest of animals, would you class this as hate speech? Many would.
But can I draw the readers attention to the 8th sura ayat 55? This verse states that all non believers are the vilest of animals.
Surely to define hate speech you can not be bias towards the author. It has to work both ways.
If I was write a book stating in over 100 verses to kill all non-Muslims, you would think I would be arrested and thrown into prison... but no one needs to write such a book… such a book already exists and is considered a holy book by Muslims and what would have to be, ignorant non-Muslims.
Not only are we so tolerant that we would consider building a mosque on ground zero, but we are also forbidden to criticise a religion that teaches its followers to kill and harm us. These verses from the Quran don't just stop at killing either, they are taught to torture us (8:12)
The Quran even states that a non believer has three choices, one, die. Two, become Muslim. Or three, pay a forced tax to all Muslims (jizya) (9:29)
So to define 'hate speech' you must look to whence this 'hate speech' is coming from. Is it 'hate speech' to have the desire to protect yourself from a force, being or religion that openly wants you dead? - The Religion of Peace .com

To say 57 countries practicing this BARBARISM are radicals or only a few extremist "bad apples" distorting the real Jesus-like-Islam IS STUPID AND DANGEROUS and it's getting people killed. Stop saying it.
The ONLY (actually, it's not the only reason!) reason the deceptive term "Radical Islam" is deployed is to avoid the maniacal retaliatory wrath of Liberals & "peaceful" Muslims.
There is no such thing as RADICAL ISLAM. Islam mandates the murder of anyone who leaves Islam (it's called DEATH FOR APOSTASY). Islam also summarily executes atheists, polytheists, gays, blasphemers, adulterers, (Christians,) Hindus, Jews, critics and dissidents. Islam encourages Muslims to rape infidel(s) as Mohammad did. That's why SWEDEN IS NOW THE RAPE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD.
This misogyny and violence is MAINSTREAM Islam and SHARIA and it's practiced in FIFTY SEVEN ISLAMIC COUNTRIES. These are not extremists - these are GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS who happen to be Muslim and run 57 countries. They are close to taking over the entire Middle East, Africa and Europe. - Ban Islam Now

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