Over a hundred and twenty million Japanese, with a population more racially uniform than in any European country, has no “race problem.”
Red China, with ten times as many people and far more racial uniformity, has no “race problem.”
Sub-Saharan Africa, with a racial uniformity that would drive the integrators insane if it were white, has no race problem at all. A “race problem” exists only where whites predominate.
“Race problem” means “white problem.” The “solution to the race problem” always means “the solution to the white problem.”
Respectable conservatives never mention it, but the left uses code words. One of these is “the race problem.” When Australia limited immigration to whites only, it was a “race problem.” Any area which has an all-white population has a “race problem.”
The one inevitable that every person who is allowed to speak out in our society is required to agree with is that, in the next millennium, “the race problem” will be solved.
Analog Magazine is the most prestigious publication in science fiction. Analog had always featured cover art. In the 1970s a liberal editor, Ben Bova, took Analog over for a short time. As a good liberal, Bova saw a future where there would be no Nordics. All white majority populations would, by then, be brown.
He insisted there would be no Nordics in the future, but he took it for granted there would be blacks. Africa would always have plenty of them, as would many Caribbean islands and the other solidly black countries. (More than fifty and counting.)
I am sure that it never occurred to any reader of the magazine that this was a totally genocidal attitude. It is, after all, the only acceptable attitude of anyone who dares say a word in public in today’s society.
In many countries, you can go to prison for expressing any other attitude.
They shout about the dangers of “white racism” when we all know that we are targeted to disappear from the the earth. But anyone who even mentions this is declared anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
The real danger of the new century centers around the program to eliminate whites — “the race problem.” Along with this program goes the War On freedom of speech. ~ Whitaker

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