... hatred that comes from jealousy.
One notes very quickly that the people who shout “Hate!” the most are the ones who hate the most. You begin to notice the basis of hatred. You begin to notice its symptoms. So you understand leftist economics. You see that leftists TALK about the poor, but their real focus, their real goal, is hatred of the rich.
You see the undercurrent of the left. They do not REALLY mind so much if people are desperately poor. They are livid about some people being rich. In other words, they talk about loving the poor, but their real motivation is that they hate the rich. By the same token, anti-whites don’t care if people are ugly. Their motivation is that they hate those who are beautiful.
The Germans have a word for this. It is called Schadenfreude, the joy a person takes when someone who is better off than he is suffers horribly. There is no English word for it, but it is an explanation for most of the sickest things in our society. If we realize THAT, maybe our society wouldn’t look this way. As one whose life has been devoted to racial survival, this has been obvious to me from the get-go. Others NEVER discover it.
The same respectable conservative who says over and over that leftists hate the rich and don’t care about the poor cannot see that he has the same attitude about race. As an extension of what Trager Smith says, it is the right, the “Pro-Lifers” and the National review types, who are the ones who are dedicated to the end of the white race today.
If you look at race, you begin to see that somehow suicide has become an ideal in our society. And you find out why, IF YOU LOOK UP.
I started by looking DOWN. I had the childish torchlight parade view of history. I blamed everything on Jewish influence. That was back in my white hat black hat days of cowboy movies. - Whitaker Online - Starting Point

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