Why is the political class so determined to destroy Trump and his supporters? Because he’s not a member of “The Club.” And the majority of his supporters are White people who no longer support whole heartedly their own genocide.
Truth is that The Club has been effectively insulating itself from the American people, enriching itself and its family members by burying self-pay schemes in the largess of government, and Trump is a threat. There are dark corners inside The Club’s clubhouse, lots of them, and Trump is wandering around with a flashlight.
Upon Hillary Clinton's private email server being subpoenaed by a congressional investigative committee, she sent the computer to be professionally wiped clean of all files and then turned it over. Yet, the same people who expressed no interest in pursuing that clear obstruction of justice have been hell bent on destroying Trump and his supporters!
In his amazing tell-all book, "Drain the Swamp: How Washington Corruption Is Worse Than You Think," U.S. Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) describes how, upon his arrival as a freshman legislator, he bounced from cocktail party to cocktail party, soiree to soiree.
Trump has been shining lights into corners that the club prefer remain dark. So for years, they’ve looked for something, anything to get his wick snuffed out.
That's what's really going on.- Town Hall

Time for Trump to start the Great American Party
By Ted Noel
Joe Biden didn't win, he stole the office. Or more accurately, it was stolen for him. Trump's trusted ally, Mike Pence, has refused to fight.
To Pence's name we must add a legion of other subsea invertebrates with "R" after their names. So-called "Republicans" have in large measure become pale versions of their political counterparts across the aisle. One wag put it this way: Republicans are Democrats, just twenty years late. Translated into plain English, our frustration with D.C. is with almost all those who have official chairs in the Congress, the White House, and supporting agencies. Those people serve themselves, with complete disregard for those of us who live outside the Beltway. The stolen election has lit a match.
Donald Trump will still have a voice, but the swamp and fake news media will feel free to ignore him. The Republican Party will happily disregard him as an uncomfortable interlude in their peaceful slide into irrelevance.
If America is to have a future as something other than a vessel for the aggrandizement and enrichment of the privileged few, Donald Trump is probably the only figure large enough to create an organization with the size and sway to elect officials who are committed to the idea that the people are the rulers of America. #trump #trumptrain #trumpsupporters #saveamerica

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