Every year Counter-Currents, which is regarded as an important Alt-Right site, puts up a little "virtual shrine" to Hitler on his birthday. This is a great chance for Greg Johnson, to make a little money selling books to Nazi LARPers (real Nazis no longer exist). This is just one of the ways the Alt-Right allowed itself to be conflated with Naziism. In April 2013, I saw this crap yet again and wrote the following article at AlternativeRight.com to make the point that this was not the way for the Alt-Right to go. Three and a half years later, Richard Spencer was heiling Trump.

When you’re covered in shit – whether your own or something you just trod in – what do you do? There are a number of strategies. I don’t want to leave any of them out so here is a list:

Head straight for the nearest tap or bathroom to wash the shit off.

Ignore your own shit and instead divert the "shit narrative" to other people’s shit.

Pretend that the shit isn’t shit (and even wallow in it).

A combination of any 2 or 3 of the above.

There, I think that about covers it.

Now, on Hitler’s birthday, even the most upstanding White nationalists and radical traditionalists can’t help getting a little bit of Hitler scheiße on their shoes. Just as Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot…(It’s a long list, so I’m going to stop here!)... are the shit-by-association of all egalitarians and left-wingers, so old Uncle Addie is our shit-by-association. Of the above responses I am in favour of 1. It’s shit, it’s stuck to your shoes – wash it off! This means saying clearly and concisely that Hitler was not somebody you care to emulate. There are two ways of saying this. One is to criticize him as evil and the other is to point out what a failure he was.

Yes, Adolf, stamp out Communism, by all means, but first try to win the bloody war first, ya twat! Now, thanks to Hitler, Marxism’s poisonous offshoots are everywhere, which now brings us to the second option, talking about other people’s shit. Yes, every political position has its dark side. Democracy of the drones, fire bombings, nuclear attacks, genocide by immigration, etc., etc. Say no more.

But when you start talking about someone else’s shit in retaliation for them talking about your shit, then it just seems that what you're really after is a quid pro quo shitocracy: “Leave my shit alone, and I’ll leave your shit alone.” The third option is of course the most mentally deranged: pretending that Hitler was a swell guy. This has two main settings: but and because.

"OK, Hitler did some bad shit, BUT he had loads of excuses from the Jewish bankers, the Occupation of the Rhineland, hyperinflation, the Reds, the War, the blockade by the British navy, etc. All things considered, I’m surprised he wasn’t more of a c*nt. Plus, he really did a lot of good in the few short years before he accidentally invaded Poland." 

"Hitler was a swell guy BECAUSE he did a lot of bad shit."

Just as the trash in society are attracted to totems of power – professional wrestlers, monster trucks, or gangsta stylee – so some of the impotent are attracted to thugs like Hitler or Stalin. https://affirmativeright.blogspot.com/2013/04/when-youre-covered-in-shit.html?m=1    

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