A Chicago-area scholar, Christopher Jon Bjerknes, 53, thinks he knows what plagues mankind and believes his knowledge is necessary to stop Armageddon.
He says a heretical cult, the "Sabbatean Frankists," controls organized Jewry, including Zionism and Freemasonry. They began as followers of Sabbatai Zvi (1626-1676) and later Jacob Frank (1726-1791.) They believe Sabbatai was the Messiah (God) and his soul has transmigrated down to the Rothschild dynasty, who are now the "King of the Jews." According to their messianic system, Redemption requires that the Rothschilds become God, i.e. King of the World. This will see the sacrifice of 2/3 of all Jews and the destruction and enslavement of the rest of mankind. Bjerknes believes this demented creed actually is the motive force behind history including all wars, and "world government." Bjerknes (B-YERK-NES) is proud of his Norwegian part-Jewish heritage, ( maternal grandfather, a famous musician, was Jewish.) He has written two massive books— one about Albert Einstein as a plagiarist and another about the Sabbatean inspired Armenian Genocide — that include hundreds of pages of suppressed Jewish history. They can be found as PDFs at his web site http://www.jewishracism.com/
His message is compelling and consistent with the Protocols of Zion where the author (whom I suspect is Lionel Rothschild) talks about coming into his "kingdom." The Sabbateans believe their king is duty bound to restore the Jews to Israel and exterminate the Gentiles. They believe the Messiah won't appear until the world succumbs to evil and are determined to make this prophecy self-fulfilling. Thus evil is good. In Bjerknes' view, this constitutes a "Jewish war against humanity." The Sabbateans are often sexual degenerates who engage in wife swapping, orgies and incest. They often pretend to be Christians or Moslems to worm their way into Gentile society in order to destroy it. https://www.savethemales.ca/002089.html

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