One who argues that race does not exist, or the only race is the human race is stating that genocide has never occurred and cannot occur. 

Every idea pushed for the last 50yrs is connected to this. There is no male or female. There is no normal or perverse. There is no beautiful or ugly. There is no right or wrong. There is no good or evil.

You’re not a genocide denier are you? Then why are you denying White genocide?

Some whites are out on a mission of Racial Abolition and they are failing.

Hence we have Bob’s Mantra and we are destroying the last remnants of the (race) Abolition movement.

If race doesn’t exist then you’d have no problem if (Negroid dominated countries were) flooded with millions of Chinese people and (genetically) assimilated with them, causing a future where Black people no longer exist?

So race “Doesn’t Exist,” eh? 

Do you think Jews agree with you that the Holocaust was not genocidal because “Race Does Not Exist”?

You’re not a genocide denier are you? Then why are you denying White genocide?

If you say race is not real, you are also saying that no genocide can occur and that no genocide has ever occurred. Are you prepared to make this statement?

Or are you only arguing that MY race is imaginary, fully prepared to scream “racist” at me if I argue that (if that’s the case then) Blacks (and) Asians are not (races)?

Anti-racist is just a code word for anti-White.

“Racist” is code for anything White! #whitegenocideawareness

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