Religious freedom is being misused

Rabbis and imams  and their followers argue that they should be  exempt  of our laws prohibiting kosher and halal methods of slaughter.
... appeals to religious freedom is being misused.
What are the proper limits of religious freedom? Marianne Thieme, offers this answer: “Religious freedom stops where human or animal suffering begins.”
Peter Singer takes up the topic of ritual animal slaughter, as practiced by Jews and Muslims.
... one notes that there are indeed various (alien) religious rules that require animal sacrifice. One is the Eid, during which it is mandatory to slaughter an animal as a symbol of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his only son. This tradition accounts for more than 100 million animals slaughtered in the two days of the festival. In Pakistan, nearly 10 million animals are slaughtered on Eid days.
Religious laws and traditions that involve animal sacrifice (which includes slaughtering animals to eat them) have their origins in antiquity, when humans were first struggling with the terrifying awareness of our own mortality, grappling with the fear that killing other animals might provoke wrath...
... appeasement came down into the culture of the Hebrews, Canaanites, etc. as laws that, for example, prescribed that an animal should be killed in a way that would drain away as much of the blood as possible (i.e. while the heart is still beating).
Instead of exhorting us to honor the lives of our fellow animals, these ignorant religious teachers and their followers do the very opposite, demanding the right to inflict further suffering on already-terrified animals by turning them upside down and slitting their throats while they’re still conscious. - By Michael Mountain

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