In 1950, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) issued a statement asserting that all humans belong to the same species and that “race” is not a biological reality but a myth. This was a summary of the findings of an international panel of cultural anthropologists, geneticists, sociologists, and psychologists.
Many new scientific discoveries have been made since 1950, especially in the field of genetics, indicating that humanity does not share the same ancestry and is in fact a hybrid species, not one single "race".
DNA evidence shows that ancient humans 'rampantly interbred' and indulged in interracial (cross-species) sex with multiple sub-races of different creatures, including mystery DNA in modern Africans - neither human nor Neanderthal, not found in non-Africans.
Scientific evidence refuting the popular theory of modern humanity’s African genesis is common knowledge among those familiar with the most recent scientific papers on the human Genome, Mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosomes. Regrettably, within mainstream press and academia circles, there seems to be a conspicuous – and dare we say it – deliberate vacuum when it comes to reporting news of these recent studies and their obvious implications.
Australian historian Greg Jefferys explains that, "The whole ‘Out of Africa’ myth has its roots in the mainstream academic campaign in the 1990′s to remove the concept of Race. When I did my degree they all spent a lot of time on the ‘Out of Africa’ thing but it’s been completely disproved by genetics. Mainstream still hold on to it."
A very recent paper on Y-chromosomes published in 2012, Re-Examing the “Out of Africa” Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasians) in the Light of DNA Genealogy only confirms the denial of any African ancestry in non-Africans, and strongly supports the existence of a “common ancestor” who “would not necessarily be in Africa. In fact, it was never proven that he lived in Africa.”

The only remaining uncertainty relates to the identity of this “more ancient common ancestor”. All that can be stated with confidence is that humanity’s ancestor did not reside in Africa.

Unfounded accusations of racism have become common as the prevailing Afrocentric hypothesis is constantly being challenged by the growing mountain of conflicting scientific evidence, especially in the evolving field of #genetics .
It is now scientifically irrefutable fact that the "human species" has been found to contain a substantial quantity of DNA (at least 20%) from other hominid populations not classified as Homo sapien; such as Neanderthal, Denisovan, African archaic, Homo erectus, and now possibly even "Hobbit" (Homo floresiensis). If not given drugs to prevent infant death, the pregnant body of a rhesus negative mother will attack, try to reject, and even kill her own offspring if it is by a rhesus positive man.
The Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a sub-species of the gray wolf (Canis lupus), and they produce hybrids.
There are numerous other examples of where two separate species (for example with different numbers of chromosomes) can also produce viable offspring, yet are considered separate species. That said, humanity has been shown to be, genetically speaking, a hybrid species that did not all share the same hunter-gatherer ancestry in Africa.
Recent sequencing of ancient genomes suggests that interbreeding went on between the members of several ancient human-like groups more than 30,000 years ago, including an as-yet unknown human ancestor. "there were many hominid populations,” says Mark Thomas, evolutionary geneticist at University College London.
Scientists have sequenced a 37,000-year-old European genome. The results show that present-day Scandinavians are the closest living relatives to the first people in Europe. The genome also indicates that many European traits, including those from the Middle East, were already present in the first Europeans. The study, which was recently published in Science, sheds entirely new light on Europeans, which was originally a separate species from African lineages.

- Atlantean Gardens

Racial consciousness is natural and healthy. The mainstream media therefore tries to make sure (White) readers are never free from egalitarian myths even for a moment. This racket will go on only as long as whites allow it. Ultimately, (the success of countries native to and settled by White people) arose from the capabilities of the people who created the nation. (Europe was made successful by White people. As far as lands that were settled by White people goes,) it was the Anglo core and kindred Europeans who later assimilated... non-white masses (are) clamoring to leave their independent Third World ethnostates to live under (what many of them call) “white supremacist” rule. https://www.amren.com/commentary/2018/11/how-to-talk-to-your-family-about-race/

Everyone recognizes race (whether they want to admit it or not). Africans, Europeans, and Asians can be distinguished at a glance because the races differ so obviously from each other. Although the differences are popularly referred to as “skin color,” as if this were where they began and ended, color is one of the least important ways in which the races differ. For whatever reasons, the races do not smell the same. Blacks and whites have strong, but differing smells, and many Asians have scarcely any smell. Koreans often have no odor-producing glands in their arm-pits at all and Japanese have very few. Nineteenth-century Japanese found Europeans so foul-smelling that even today, a common Japanese expression for anything Western means “stinking of butter.”

Though they may not always be willing to say so, sports physicians have found physical differences that give different races advantages in different sports. Whites and West Africans, for example, differ in proportions of body fat, width of hips, thickness of thighs, bone density, and proportion of fast- and slow-twitch muscle. Even East and West Africans differ in important ways that explain why they excel in different sports.

Because blacks have such dense bones, they are less buoyant and less likely to be swimming champions. However, their bones are more resistant to aging. After their mid-30s, white men lose about 2.5 percent of their bone mass every year. Blacks lose less than one percent. Loss of bone mass speeds up greatly under conditions of weightlessness, so blacks could probably survive longer space voyages than whites.

Studies have repeatedly found that black men have more of the male hormone testosterone in their blood than whites do. Men who are intelligent but who have high testosterone levels are likely to be more successful, socially and professionally, than intelligent men with low testosterone levels. Men who are unintelligent but who have high testosterone are more likely to be criminals than unintelligent men with low testosterone. -

The differences in IQ between Blacks and Whites is attacked in the same way leftist attack everything else they don’t like, they demand rigorous empirical standards while holding themselves to no standards at all. It is attacked from an ideological perspective, and not a scientific one, when the empirical standards are repeatedly met, they simply call it “racist” and end the conversation. IQ is sound science, no matter how much it is denied, the correlation between IQ and outcomes in a number of areas is well established. If IQ was faulty, then performance would not be in line with scores, but performance and outcomes are in line with scores, regardless of socio economic standing or other environmental conditions.  
The largest and most rigorous studies on IQ show a standard deviation of 1.21 between Blacks and Whites, with a Black mean of about 85, and a White mean of about 100. “It is important to understand as well that a difference of 1.2 standard deviations means considerable overlap in cognitive ability distribution for blacks and whites…” This considerable overlap occurs on the low side of the White mean, and the high side of the Black mean. Black IQ distribution above the White mean of 100 is very low compared to the distribution between 80 and 90. “At the lower end of the IQ range, there are approximately equal numbers of blacks and whites. But throughout the upper half of the range, the disproportions between the number of whites and blacks at any given IQ level are huge. To the extent that the difference represents an authentic difference in cognitive functioning, the social consequences are potentially huge as well.” - smashculturalmarxism wordpress

Universalism (& Liberal Creationism): Terms used to capture dominant zeitgeist in the Western World where most people seem to believe on blind faith that there are no meaningful differences between racial groups. This creed seems to be based more in a (secular?) religious desire rather than in reality; Nick Land writes that this view is “entirely lacking in critical self-reflection, is asserted not as a credible social-scientific thesis, or even as a spontaneous popular aspiration, but rather as a religious creed....” Gregory Cochran and others have quipped that many people today seem to think that evolutionary differences between racial groups only occurred from the neck down. http://www.humanbiologicaldiversity.com/

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