Pathological altruism

There has been very little written about Pathological altruism, partly because altruism is so highly regarded in the West that few scientists dare criticize it. PA is a problem well worth studying. PA is generally defined as an attempt to help others that instead harms others &/or oneself, and is “an unhealthy focus on others to the detriment of one’s own needs.” PA is likely when people “falsely believe that they caused the other’s problems, or falsely believe that they have the means to relieve the person of suffering.” Or, it is “the false belief that one’s own success, happiness, or well-being is a source of unhappiness for others.” PA “often involves self-righteousness,” and can result in “impulsive and ineffective efforts to equalize.”

In order to understand (anti-white) whites, one must recognize that much of their apparently altruistic behavior is actually a form of egoistic competition. What I will call “competitive altruism” is one of the key forces that (after many decades of brainwashing Whites to hate themselves, to feel guilt for acts that only a few White people carried out, that the majority of White people had nothing to do with, and that members of all races in a position of power have engaged in, like enslaving people of other races,) shape white societies. This form of competition emerges because (anti-White) altruism (in White countries) is (now) linked to social status. People who act altruistically (towards non-whites), increase their prestige and wealth. 

Pathological altruism is an almost perfect description of white liberal attitudes towards non-whites. A typical case of PA would be a depressed person who mistakenly believes that if he kills himself he will no longer be a burden on his family — so he kills himself. Some people falsely think their own success comes at the expense of others, and try to make amends for their achievements. What is known as co-dependency, or helping someone who is obviously hurting himself, can be another kind of PA. “Animal hoarders” are another example of PA. They fill their houses with “rescued” pets but fail to look after them. They declare their love for animals even as they step over their dead bodies. They neglect their own health and live in animal filth.

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