In genuinely "racist" societies, people aren’t fired or “canceled” when it is revealed that they are " #racist ".
In contemporary #america , professors openly say things like “All I want for Christmas is white genocide” or “OK, officially, I now hate white people,”. Teaching assistants claim that “some white people may need to die” so that Black people can get what they deserve. Editors at the New York Times assert that “White men are bullshit”, use the hashtag “CancelWhitePeople” and complain about “Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants” .
Similarly, The Chicago Tribune has stated that “American racism is a uniquely white trait“. USA Today has made this point too, that only white people can be racist. ("Racist" is code for anything White!)
They’ve also noted that “A majority of white Americans believe discrimination exists against them in the United States” but have explained that this is not to be taken seriously.
These news outlets, CNN, the NYT, USA Today, Forbes, and NBC, are not seen as organizations of the radical left. Like Joe Biden, they are seen as center left or moderate.
("White privilege" is a myth perpetrated by people who hate White people. This myth has decreased sympathy for poor Whites.)
Bernie Sanders said “when you’re white … you don’t know what it’s like to be poor“, Buzz Feed running articles like “37 Things White People Need To Stop Ruining In 2018” (which, apparently, is the world... The goal is a world without White people), Vice positively covering vacations non-whites take just to get away from white people.
Mainstream right wing #media does not have material like this about non-whites. That is because the American right is, for the most part, not (anti-non-white). The American left, however, is significantly based on #antiwhite sentiment and behavior.
White liberals are the only group who on net prefer other racial groups to their own.
"White guilt” is psychologically damaging. This is supported by Fujushiro who found that thinking your race is given an unfair advantage doubled a person’s risk of poor mental health. 

The society that we live in is one were major corporations, institutions, and government, openly talk about how they try to avoid hiring or admitting white people. It’s one where people can be fired and ostracized for criticizing non-whites but where people are rarely punished for (outright calling for the ethnic cleansing of) White people as the American left does openly. It’s a society which says that phrases like “White lives matter” and “It’s okay to be white” are immoral statements (because "anti-racism" is really code for anti-White). As in many (genocidal) societies of the past, we live in a culture where we are taught that one racial group (Whites) is to blame for many of the problems of everyone else. And we are taught that it is immoral, for white people to attempt to defend themselves from this charge.
White people are expected to accept that they, and only they, share an inherent evil, for which they can never fully repent though they must relentlessly try to nonetheless. This process may cause whites suffering, but, we are told, to be pre-occupied with the suffering of whites is "racist" in itself.
The only thing unusual about our culture’s (genocidal attitudes) is the number of white people who have been socialized into participating in their own oppression. This victimization of whites inhibits white people economically, holds them back in education, subjects them to crimes which are systematically ignored, and sometimes directly damages their mental well being. As white people become a demographic minority (outnumbered in our own homelands, native and settled, by the world's true racial majorities, most of whom wouldn't think twice about aligning with each other against us), these problems will only become worse. Certainly, the history of what happens when the majority blames their unending problems on a minority (future whites) gives us reason for (grave concerns).
It is important that we recognize our society is systematically (working against a race, the White race,) and work to correct this before the effects of anti-white ideology are so great that they are impossible to (change). - ideas and data wordpress2020/06/03american-racism

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