According to Paiute Indian oral legends, a tribe called the Si-Te-Cah were a native American race of tall red-haired giants that once occupied the area in the distant past.


Amazingly, 9,400 year old Mummified remains were indeed found in a cave in Nevada, though scientific study is NOT allowed on the remains for political reasons.


Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins, a prominent female Native American activist, educator, and daughter of Paiute Chief Winnemucca, related many stories passed down in her tribe, first hand, about the Si-Te-Cah in her book Life Among the Paiutes, published in 1883.


"My people say that the tribe we exterminated had red hair. I have some of their hair, handed down from father to son. I have a dress which has been in our family a great many years, trimmed with the reddish hair. I am going to wear it some time when I lecture. It is called a mourning dress, and no one has such a dress but my family."


The oldest mummies in the world are the Chinchorro mummies from northern Chile and southern Peru. While the earliest Egyptian artificial mummy dates to around 3000 BC, the earliest Chinchorro artificial mummy dates to around 5050 BC. And while the earliest Egyptian natural mummy (red-head named "Ginger") dates to around 3400 BC, the earliest Chinchorro natural mummy dates to around 7020 BC.

Few Americans alive today are aware that once real giants roamed this land – giant red-haired humans.

Most Americans believe that the Native Americans were the first to inhabit the North American continent. Yet there were others – a much more ancient race that walked the hills and valleys, the plains and deserts of the pre-Colombian Americas.

Evidence of giant humans – people seven to ten feet tall – exists in the fossil records, tools and other artifacts recovered from archaeological digs.

Giant skeletal remains have awed and sometimes frightened researchers and explorers as far back as the Sixteenth Century.

Some present day Native American tribes still recite the legends of the giants and how their ancestors fought wars against them when they arrived in North America 15,000 years ago only to find the giants already here. Others, like the Aztecs and Mayans recorded their encounters with a race of giants to the north when they ventured out on expeditions.

The earliest Western explorers who wrote about the giants of North America included Magellan, Sir Francis Drake, Spanish explorer Desoto, and Commodore Byron the grandfather of the famous poet, Lord Byron. Not all encounters with giants were post-mortems. A well-documented sighting by Magellan occurred in 1520 near the harbor of San Julian, Mexico. There, Magellan and his crew came upon a red-haired giant that stood nearly ten feet tall and whom Magellan described as having a “voice like a bull.” Later, Magellan learned from normal-sized natives that the giant belonged to a neighboring tribe. Remarkably, Magellan’s logs show that he and his crew captured two of these living giants and brought them aboard his ship intending to bring them back to Europe. Unfortunately the giants grew ill and they both died during the return voyage. Magellan had their remains buried at sea.  Fifty-eight years later giants still roamed San Julian. None other than Sir Francis Drake recorded encountering several red-haired men who stood over nine feet tall. In the years that followed many more explorers and seafarers also reported seeing giants roaming that area.

Two lesser known explorers, Jacob le Maire and Wilhelm Schouten, discovered an intact skeleton of a pair of nine-foot humans. They each entered meticulous descriptions of the skeletons in their journals. If a race of mostly red-haired giants dwelled in the Americas for many centuries, wouldn’t their remains and artifacts – not to mention the sites where they lived – still remain? They do! And many are found in the “mounds.”

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