Many Black and White mixed-race people prefer to call themselves “Black”, for example Barrack Obama, and find it depressing to consider themselves mixed.
The research, backed by the National Children’s Bureau, also found that other races of people, and those such as teachers, could not understand their background.
The report called ‘Mixed Experiences – growing up mixed race: mental health and wellbeing‘ collected information from many different studies, along with interviews from mixed-race people talking about their experiences as children.
Co-author Dinah Morley was said there was a lack of understanding over what it meant to be mixed race.
“I was surprised at how much racism, from black and white people, had come their way,” Morley said, “A lot of children were seen as black when they might be being raised by a white single parent and had no understanding of the black culture. The default position for a child of mixed race is that they are black.”
Morley said the most occurring experience was that they were “too white to be black, too black to be white“.
In Britain, mixed-race people are the fastest-growing group among children. The 2011 census showed that the mixed-race population made 2.2% of the population of England and Wales.
Anti-Whites are not concerned with the mental health of White people, or even non-White people. All anti-Whites care about is their idea of getting rid of race. Only in White countries this idea of theirs is forced, and amounts to a genocide against White people.
Genocide does not have to be violent. On the contrary, genocide is basically defined as purposely getting rid of a group.
So when only White countries are forced to have their borders opened to massive non-White third world immigration, despite public disapproval, it still happens. Millions of non-Whites are needed to pour into White countries because how can White people be mixed out of existence otherwise? - White Genocide Project - study-mixed-race-people-have-identity-problems
#antiwhite#whitegenocide#itsnotoktobeantiwhite #stopwhitegenocide

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