Lest we forget who sent the soldiers

Lest we forget who sent the soldiers

Australian soldiers are being investigated for war crimes in Afghanistan.

Will there be an investigation into the political processes that led to this ill-fated war? - Des Mulcahy, Orange

John Howard and George Bush got together for an ill-advised adventure in the Middle East based.

Regardless of the facts of the case against former SAS soldier Ben Roberts-Smith, the bigger issue is that of who sent him there.
Armies are designed to bring the enemy to battle and destroy their capacity to fight – normally by killing or capturing them or forcing them into untenable positions... seeing many of them released to possibly fight again can only be injurious to morale.
Along with the opprobrium, a degree of sympathy and understanding must be extended to military personnel who have been given an almost unwinnable conflict to engage in. - Lance Rainey, Lanitza ...

 this is now we civilians’ time to stand up and get behind our soldiers.

Whatever crimes they’ve committed... My suggestion is that, as then, it’s up to John Howard to lead the way in assuming collective national responsibility. Happy with that, John? - Jack Robertson, Birchgrove

Remember Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq: we should be concerned. - Max Redmayne, Russell Lea

Lest we forget who sent the soldiers- SMH

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