The monotheistic religions have a rich history of slaughter and butchery. Far better that we try to respect each other as human beings.

Of the many reactions to the recent terrorist events, perhaps the most controversial concerns the degree to which it is permissible to pillory religion and religious institutions. Should free speech extend to mockery of the great faiths, or should respect for their followers stay the hand of satirists and silence the scoffers? Do those who fail to show “appropriate” respect deserve, if not a bullet in the head then at least, as  the Pontiff seems to believe, a punch on the nose? “You cannot,” his holiness tells us, “insult the faith of others.” Implicit in this pronouncement is that religions are and should be inviolable and therefore unlike other kinds of human institution.

Let’s begin by recognizing that spiritual beliefs tend come in two basic varieties: polytheistic which accommodate multiple deities, and monotheistic which acknowledge only one.

Hindus, Buddhists, followers of Tao and the philosophy of Kung Fu-Tzu (Confucius) belong to the first variety. They make no claims to exclusivity. Their adherents seldom demand that others should worship as they do, nor insist on their superiority to others. Above all they don’t stipulate that theirs are the only beliefs worthy of veneration. Hinduism is notably generous in its readiness to acknowledge multiple incarnations of the divine, as many as three hundred and thirty million in some accounts, meaning an infinite number, the more the merrier, bring yours along, He or She will do as well as any other - for all are ways to reach Brahman, the sacred power that sustains all things.

The Abrahamic God demands subservience and a great deal of bowing and scraping. Christians—sinners by definition—spend much time on their knees begging forgiveness. Muslims bow in the direction of Mecca five times a day. Jews don’t kneel. 

“Banning circumcision (along with Kosher & Halal Killing) unites almost all Jews and almost all Muslims, so it’s killing two birds with one stone-and a very pretty stone at that.” NY & Jerusalem based Rabbi Josh Spinner & CEO of the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation, responded when asked about Muslims & Jews coming together.

Yet ANOTHER story that falls into both our Combating Islamism and Combating Zionism categories!

What are the chances?

Remember when we told you why the EKP fights Zionism with as much fervour and gusto as we combat the scourge that is Islamism?

We wrote, “The racist anti-western ideologies of Zionism & Islamism are two sides of the same proverbial shekel, born in the same sandbox and of the same innate hatred."

While countless nationalist groups pander to Zionist groups with links to the states and organisations that fund ISIS and are responsible for the killing of innocent Christians across the mid east, we refuse to EVER compromise with either Semitic menace.

Make no mistake, both Islamists and Zionists despise our Western culture with equal levels of loathing – and work in unison to harm us. Zionists just do a better job hiding it.

From their shared aversion to dogs and pork, to the manner in which they cull their livestock and ritualistically circumcise their children – the commonalities run as deep as the ocean, and differences, as shallow as a summer puddle.”

What a splendid segue into our coverage of the child circumcision debate raging in Germany and the fact that Jewish & Muslim groups are standing side by side in their Jihad/amidah (Islamic & Hebrew for resistance) against German national sovereignty.

Our German correspondent Helmut Schmidt reported that, “A left leaning Cologne court Judge decided that the circumcision of minors went against a child’s interests because it led to a physical alteration of the body, and because people other than the child were determining its religious affiliation. He did so based on the individual rights of the child trumping the religious rights of the parent.

Well it appears both Jewish and Islamic religious leaders have their panties up in a bunch with the courts decision, claiming that Germany has appeased the far right (remember the judge was in fact a liberal) and undermined the religious authority of both Islam and Judaism, as well as contravened Germany’s Constitution.

Ali Demir, chairman of the Religious Community of Islam in Germany, said: “I find the ruling adversarial to the cause of integration and discriminatory against all the parties concerned.”

Boo effin’ hoo.

Dieter Graumann, president of Germany’s Central Council of Jews, echoed Demir’s anger at the decision claiming that it was “an egregious and insensitive measure” which amounted to “an unprecedented and dramatic intervention in religious communities’ right of determination”. He continued, “Is kosher and halal slaughter next?”

I bloody well hope so!

The leftist Guardian wrote that:

“The ruling followed a lengthy legal battle, sparked when a Muslim couple decided to have their son circumcised, specifically for religious reasons, by a Muslim doctor in Cologne. The doctor, identified only as Dr K, carried out the circumcision on the four-year-old boy in November 2010, before giving the wound four stitches. The same evening, he visited the family at home to check up on the boy. When the boy began bleeding again two days later, his parents took him to the casualty department of Cologne’s University hospital. The hospital contacted the police, who then launched an investigation. The doctor was charged with bodily harm, and the case was taken to court in spite of both Muslim and Jewish groups protesting the decision.

While the court acquitted Dr K on the grounds that he had not broken any law, it concluded that circumcision of minors for religious reasons should be outlawed, and that neither parental consent nor religious freedom justified the procedure. It ruled that in future doctors who carried out circumcisions should be punished.

The court weighed up three articles from the basic law: the rights of parents, the freedom of religious practice and the right of the child to physical integrity, before coming to the conclusion that the procedure was not in the interests of the child.

It rejected the defence that circumcision is considered hygienic in many cultures, one of the main reasons it is carried out in the US, Britain and in Germany.

After much deliberation, it concluded that a circumcision, “even when done properly by a doctor with the permission of the parents, should be considered as bodily harm if it is carried out on a boy unable to give his own consent”.

‘Against the interests of a child’

It ruled the child’s body would be “permanently and irreparably changed”, and that this alteration went “against the interests of a child to decide for himself later on to what religion he wishes to belong”.

He said unlike politicians who have long faced pressure to deal with the issue, “the court did not allow itself to be scared off by charges of antisemitism or religious intolerance”.

Demir predicted a ban in Germany would lead to a rise in “circumcision tourism in neighbouring countries in Europe”.

Condemnation also came from elsewhere in Europe, with Rabbi Aryeh Goldberg of the Brussels-based Rabbinical Centre of Europe calling the ruling “fatal to freedom of religion”. He told the Jerusalem daily Haaretz that it “contravened the EU’s convention on human rights, to which Germany is subservient and harms the basic freedom of religion enshrined in the German Constitution”.

Quite hilariously German women’s rights groups and Marxist social policy makers echoed those same sentiments, instead of railing in defence of childrens rights-something I thought they were supposed to care about.

Their reasoning?

Lesbian Jewish feminist Katrin Altpeter, social minister in the state of Baden-Württemberg, claimed that “by banning circumcision it would put male and female circumcision on the same footing, when they were “in no way comparable”.

Maddening logic.

And here I thought that leftists cared about children’s rights:

Note, it's not up to us to stop Jews and Muslims in their territories (whether they Ashkanazi, Hebrew, Arab, Black, Chinese, Indian, etc etc) from butchering their children and animals. It is up to us to protect our White RACE, our people, young and old, to protect our animals, and ensure these cruel practices don't happen in our territories. The only way to do that is for non-Whites that have remained separate within our boarders to be repatriated, offspring and all, and if allowed to stay or come in as guest workers, there must be serious consequences for going against what is law for all. There should be no excemptions. Religious and non-white privileges in the homelands of White people,

 must end! 

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