Is (one way, financially, racially and culturally suicidal, never ending, non-white, citizen) immigration forced adoption (for White people)?

Imagine arriving home one day to find a dozen new people living in your home. When they refuse to leave, you call the police.The police arrive, but rather than evicting the squatters they inform you that you don’t have enough children and it would be no use anyway since adoption reform would soon be passed.You seem unwilling to go along with the program, so in order to support your growing family, money is taken from your paycheck.Compulsory loans are taken in your name to pay for food, clothing, school, and transportation for your new family.They’re all put on your health insurance, given your last name, added to your will, and their birth certificates are amended listing you as one of the parents.
Now imagine every family in your neighborhood, for whatever reason, went along with this program except one.Lets call this crazy scofflaw Hungary. The reality is that everyone except Hungary is crazy and the only reason (White) people go along with this program of White genocide is because (White) people no longer think of their country as their home.They no longer think of their race as their extended family. (It's been socially engineered out of too many of us.)

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