How do civilizations commit suicide? By elevating women at the expense of men. It doesn’t have to be this way. - A Voice For Men 

Odinist Creed: (White aka European) Men and women are not enemies in our tradition as they are in the Semitic cults. We are beloved companions. We seek the best mates of our kind because we are a people who believe in friendly competition and striving for excellence in all things. A noble and great man should seek to win a virtuous woman who is beautiful in body, mind, spirit and character, while women should seek to be worthy of such regard, and to select the best possible man as a husband. We consider children a great gift from our Gods and where at all possible, seek to fully enjoy the blessings of a large family, as the Gods wish this happiness for us. As a tribe, we are all an extended family and bear great love for one another. We hold consideration of nationality and governments a distant second to the bond of blood.

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