... today in the West whites are aware that the current culture contradicts some of their own inner urges, eg an urge to do what is best for themselves and their children for a start, ie leave them a functioning country not one that invites backward people over for an invasion.
But for now, for the majority, their culture-following urge is still overriding the other urges.
However, currently it is a like a balloon twisted out of shape, as it is uncomfortable when the culture that you blindly follow tells you to be against yourself and your family and your own people and country.
This means that if the culture changes to a patriotic one – eg after some traumatic event such as economic collapse – as soon as this happens the balloon will readily take up its proper, natural shape again, with the urge for self-interest now in harmony with the new culture of patriotsm, and people will be happier again.
There will always be a left-wing rump amongst whites, perhaps 15%, one that would never follow a patriotic culture however dominant it is (just as, the other way around, readers of this blog do not subscribe to the current anti-white culture and never would do so), and this is why 15%, or whatever they are, of ‘unbendables’ on the left will still be with us even under a patriotic culture, and they will seek to carry on working with ((foreign tribes)) who also, like the left, harbour malice towards white people, and this needs to be addressed. - The Occidental Observer

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