28 percent of free blacks in America owned slaves. In some cities during some decades in the 19th century, more than 75 percent of the free black population was comprised of slave holders.
One glaringly inconvenient truth that, odds are, few folks of any race are aware is that the very first legal slave owner in America was one Anthony Johnson — a black man. MORE here: http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/263533/slavery-racially-incorrect-facts-jack-kerwick

Blacks, Amerindians, and Jews all owned slaves in America, but we hear nothing of this. Jewish slave trader Aaron Lopez, who built the oldest synagogue in America, is but one of a long list of jews who profited greatly from slavery, but Hollywood jews will never make movies that detail their tribe’s massive involvement in the slave trade, instead blaming Whites for everything. These jewish movies will neglect to mention that it was Black Africans who first enslaved their kin and sold them to the traders. Also, did you know than an estimated 3,000 Blacks owned a total of 20,000 Black slaves in 1860? It is estimated that 28% of free Blacks owned slaves, which is a much higher proportion than that of free whites who owned slaves, which was a mere 1.4% of White Americans at the height of slavery.

It is estimated that between 10 to 15 million (Blacks) were enslaved and shipped to the New World, but only around 6% (400,000) were sent to the Northern Hemisphere. The vast majority of slaves went to South America, but we certainly don’t see countries like Brazil receiving the brunt of the slavery guilt trip. This is because the true history of slavery does not fit into the #antiWhite , anti-Western paradigm that has been set up.

Our textbooks, movies, and current culture have completely covered up the very real history of White enslavement in America and around the world. Many White Americans are actually descendants of White slaves. http://www.renegadetribune.com/destroying-the-anti-white-arguments/

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