“Anti-racists” are not against hate. They are for hate against us whites.
The people who claim they love diversity are actually the people who show, through their actions, that they love diversity the least.
We already had diversity in the world, with different peoples and cultures all over the globe. Travelling actually meant experiencing new cultures and people. Now, every Western country is made indistinguishable with open borders and the degenerate “McDonald’s culture”. We are expected to consume the same things, we are told that we are “all the same” and that we had nothing unique or worthwhile to begin with. We are all “multicultural societies”, i.e. rootless consumer societies. “Diversity” is not want they want. What they want is to mix everybody into a melting pot in all white countries.
People who call themselves “anti-racist” (i.e. anti-whites) like to say that gender and skin colour don’t matter. But in reality, they are just contradicting themselves as usual.
Let’s put aside the obvious irony about enforcing affirmative action laws where there are too many whites (you never hear of schools, neighbourhoods or workplaces being “too black” or “too Asian”), here is a blunt question that no one seems to highlight or be able to answer:
If skin colour does not matter, then why is racial diversity (in all and only white countries) so important?
And why does it have to be enforced?
Granted, I do believe that many ordinary people who happen to have an anti-white mindset have the intention of helping others, after all they have been persuaded to believe that what they are doing and supporting is good.
However, there are in fact many ways to help people without having open borders and without bringing everybody here at our expense (to the extent that we become a minority in our own countries) White already being a minority of the population world wide). We COULD, for example, help people in the Third World rebuild their own countries by providing them with education and aid where it would be most needed. In the end, #antiwhites are always the opposite of what they claim to be. - This Is Europa

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